Sunday, May 8, 2011

Still Doing Fine!

Hello, hello dears,

Well, I have been home from the hospital for almost four days (since last Thursday). I was IN the hospital for almost 10 days!!! That's a long time!! As I said in my last post, it feels like it was a dream - but it wasn't. I kind of keep trying to put the pieces back together from the day I went in. It went something like this:

On Monday, April 25, I went in to the doctor for a pre-surgery test, and to find out final details. They told me that I would need to check in at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday for surgery. "Great!" I thought, "Not too early, not too late."

Well, at 3:30 in the afternoon of the 25th, the office called and said there had been a change, and I would need to check in at 5:30 a.m.  "Well," I thought, "that's o.k. This way I won't have to wake up and worry for very long!"

So, we all got up, and walked through the quiet streets of Manhattan at 5:00 in the morning to the hospital. The hospital is about 12 blocks from the hotel, so it took us about 20 minutes to get there. It was nice to just take in all the quiet, fresh early morning air as we walked along 5th Avenue right along Central Park. The flowers were in full bloom everywhere (I think my mom shared some of the beautiful pictures of flowers she took). It really buoyed my spirits to see this feast of color on the walk to the hospital!

Upon our arrival, I had to change into my hospital attire - this robe is the same one that pretty much everyone wears when they are having surgery. I actually have TWO hospital gowns on here - they have no buttons, only a little string at the top to tie them together, so I wore one frontward and one backward. Lovely!

They then put me on a stretcher, I said good-bye to my family, and was then rolled down to the operating waiting area. I asked if I could walk down, but they would not let me ("hospital policy").

I had to wait there probably 30 minutes. Several doctors came by to say good morning, as did my nurse Her name was 'Matherese' which, of course, means 'Mother Theresa,' which I took to be a very good sign! My anestheseologist's name was Dr. Stone. I tried to remain calm, breathing deeply (in through my nose, out through my mouth), until it was time to go in.

Finally, it was time to go. Dr. Stone pushed me right up to the operating theater doors, at which time he asked if I wanted to walk in!!! I couldn't believe it, but of course I said YES. And that is what I did - I jumped right off the stretcher, pushed open the doors, and walked right in for my surgery!

Well, that's all for now. Things are moving along very well - I am walking every day and going up and down stairs and eating and resting (alot!). My energy is coming back a little at a time - I'm not doing Tae Kwon Do yet, but I hope to someday!

This is a picture of me with some friends who live here in New York who came t visit yesterday. I may be tired a lot of the time, but I can still stick out my tongue! :-)

More soon - thanks for your continued good thoughts!

Much love - Ms. Lucas (Sandy :-)


  1. I am so glad things are going well. Can't to to visit you when you get home!!! Sheila K


  3. Hi Mrs. Lucas.We all miss you from miss Kluxdal's class.Hope to see you soon,lov3,Winell Urey.

  4. I love flowers!!!!

  5. hi Ms.Lucas i wish you were here with us.i miss you and get well soon.i like your picture (sleeping with an ant.when are you going to come back?.And how are you feeling?

  6. hey Ms.lucas
    how are you doing?
    when are u coming back to Minnesota
    whats the hotels name?
    Have u ate the chocolate yet?
    hope u feel better

  7. I like your picture.
    who is that little girl and that woman?
    I thought that the women was your daughter.
    but then when I look at the picture and paragraph
    I just notice something.She is ur friends.


    Mai Lia Vang

  8. DEAR Ms.LUCAS how are you feeling I wonder what did you did after your surgery.And did you eat your candy yet and can you eat meat. love THA-WAN YANG

  9. Hi ms.Lucas how are you feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I hope you are having a good time. I miss you I hope you can come back soon. your student Andres!!!!!!!!

  10. Dear Ms.Lucas,
    How are you feeling?
    The class misses you very badly and I like the way that you said "Super high tech mom".It was very funny!I hope you are having a wonderful time in New York.I"m so glad you are coming next year!
    Keep us posted.
    NIcholas Sagdalen

  11. Well Hello Ms.Lucas how are you doing so far in New York.I miss you so much .I hope you are great.And having fun and nice pictures by the way.
    H Y C B S
    o O O A O
    P U M C O
    E E K N

  12. And come back soon :)Precious

  13. I like that picture of that man sleeping with a cockroach! hope your doing all right and when are you coming home and you should get a lot of REST!

    by Freddy

  14. Dear Mrs.luca
    did u enjoy the weekend?
    We are going bowling in june 18 2011

    love sarpawhtoo

  15. dear ms.lucas
    i love the new shirt u bouht us thank you:)

    love gaoshouaka xiong
