Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Back to the Doctor - Fingers Crossed

Me leaving hospital!
Hello, hello,

Sorry I haven't posted much. To be honest, I have never been more exhausted in my life than I have been since getting out of the hospital.

My daily routine =

Wake up

Weigh myself (I have to do this every day at the same time for two weeks to make sure I am not gaining or losing too much weight).

Eat a little breakfast.


Walk a little.

Rest - read a little.

Eat a little something (I'm supposed to eat many small meals a day instead of three BIG meals).

Walk a little, maybe up one flight of stairs.

Rest some more - read.

Eat a little more.

If weather is nice, walk outside one block to park - find a bench, and rest.

Walk back to hotel room.


Eat a little.

Watch Oprah (I have never really watched Oprah, and now she is going off the air!)

Walk a little.


Eat a little dinner.

Watch Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune.


Get ready for bed.

And that's about it. Not very exciting, but it's what I can do right now!

Dr. Adams
Chest x-ray
Today is a big day as I am headed back to see Dr. Adams for the first time since leaving the hospital. They will take an x-ray of my lungs to make sure they are working o.k. Hopefully he will tell me that I can fly home to Minnesota tomorrow! Fingers crossed!

I hope you all are well and being good at school! What are you reading these days? I need some good suggestions!!

All the best!

More soon - Ms. Lucas (Sandy :-)

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