Monday, May 16, 2011

Home in Minnesota

Good Morning!

Guess where I am sitting in this picture to the left. If you guessed that I am sitting in my own front yard, you are correct!! I am back in Minnesota!

I flew home last Thursday. The people at the airport could not have been nicer. They put me in a wheelchair and pushed me right through security with no problem.

Me in wheelchair
One word here on people in wheelchairs... I noticed that often adults don't make eye contact with you if you are in a wheelchair, but kids almost always look at you and say hi. Maybe this has something to do with your height when you are sitting in a wheelchair - I was a lot closer to the height of most kids than adults - but in the future, I will definitely make an effort to connect!

I was very nervous about flying, but there was no reason to be. The flight was smooth from take-off to touch-down. Thank you, pilots!

Since arriving home, I am doing mostly the same things I was doing in New York:









And so forth.

Yes, I know this sounds a little boring - and honestly, it IS a little boring - but this is what my body needs to get better. As my doctor explained, it's like I have a broken bone right in the middle of my chest where they had to cut me open to work on my heart. They can't put a cast on it, like they would if I had broken  my arm or my leg, so I just have to take it easy until it heals.

As you can imagine, sitting still is NOT the easiest thing for me to do, so if you have any ideas for things I could do while I am getting better, definitely let me know!

What books are you reading these days? What are you doing in school? I know you have a few field trips planned before the end of the year. I hope you are continuing to do good work in the classroom so you can go enjoy your well-earned field trips!!

My mom and dad leaving New York
Well, that's all for now. My mom asked me to tell you all hi. I think she misses blogging! Maybe she will start her own blog!!

I hope you all are well.

All the best,

Ms. Lucas (Sandy :-)


  1. Hello, Sandy is right, I do miss being in touch with you all. It is hard to be in Indiana as Sandy continues to heal in Minnesota.
    Our yard is GLAD we are here, the weeds had just about taken up permanent residence. I have made some headway, but Jim says I am just pulling up the same weeds each morning....he may be right.
    We are both so glad for Sandy's resting and reading and eating and walking so as to allow her body to recover. I hope there is lots of sunshine in Minnesota, so that Sandy can sit and soak in it as she heals.
    Good wishes to you all. Jo Lucas

  2. The "anonymous" post above is Ms. Lucas' Mom.

  3. Hi Ms.Lucas , Hope you feel better. We really miss you and visit us at Frost Lake. I bet you ate lots of CHOCOLATE :).

    Demetrius Her :) :) :)

  4. we'll send you cards +I MISS YOU your friend Pae Naw

  5. Dear Mrs.lucas

    it me Calvin I wonder if you like my letter
    have a wonderful season. I miss you so much
    that you was here to see what I have learn
    I want you to come back NOW!

    love Calvin:)

  6. Dear ms.Lucas r u resting well.We hope u get better and come back soon.Did u have fun.It have been along time without seeing u.WE MISS YOU!!!!!! (smile) :D :) :> :| :D REST WELL!!!!!!! your student:D gaoshoouaka xiong

  7. hi Ms.Lucas i am surprised that you came back to MN and i hope you ate lots of CHoCOlaTE and we all miss you and i hope you can come and visit us at Frost Lake here i hope you feel better i like your front yard it looks beautiful i must wish you a good day


  8. Hi again,Ms. Lucas.We read a story about Nicolaus Copernicus.His uncle's name is Mr. Lucas.I thoght about recommending this book to you since you asked about the books we've read.Also,this wednsday we're going to the Minnesota Art Institute.(i spelt those words myself.)I hope the fieldtrips' great!Well,as always,i hope everyday your healing gets better!
    Winell Urey!
    ** (You're #1)**

  9. HAVE A GOOD YEAR MS. LUCAS!!! :D :) :P Love:P gaoshouaka xiong

  10. DEAR MS.LUCAS welcome back! we hope you feel better and we hope you come see us at frost lake.Is been a long time that didn't see you. we miss you so much!Hope to see you soon.


  11. U know about the field trip part
    we r going on a field trip TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I hope u feel better Ms.Lucas and so I can c u
    in the fall
    do u have to go to the doctor to get tings removed
    if u need to and bring back the wheelchair
    WILL u need the wheelchair in the fall ?!
    u should try sleeping a lot so u don't feel so bored or try watching television cause the shows r 30 to an hour long maybe well see u soon
    Andrew:) :) :) :):]

  12. Hello Ms.Lucas have you ever sit on a wheel chair before?I miss you so much !And i hope you got all our messages from our class Mrs. kluxdal.And ms. wester is doing GREAT!And hope you are doing great too.And i will probaly see you next year in 5 grade if i see you around in the building.....xOxO.....


  13. i hope you have a good beautiful sunny day
    (^_^) Pr3c10u$ YoUr StUdEnT

  14. Dear Ms.Lucas,I hope you enjoy the cards that our class gave and since your home I'll send lot's of cards.My mom said we might be getting a new puppy!! and it cost a lot of money too(we might, only)I'm excited.I hope you feel better bye. It's a beautiful day!!! sincerely,Pae Naw

  15. Hello Sandy!

    We miss you at Frost Lake. It is hard to imagine that you have been away for so long. There is now green all around us and it is really spring! I am glad to see you are home and resting and recovering. Take good care of yourself.


  16. im recommending my neighbor,jamie,my bff,to your comment is hers.
    lov3,winell urey

  17. hi this is jamie hope your what winell said that i will be doing the next post.hope you are doing well i will be on more offen

    lov3 Jamie

  18. dear.lucas i really miss you to.And are you coming back to frostlake school. and be are ell taecher.again.OH and Iam pazi your student.

  19. Dear Ms. Lucus,
    I'm so glad you are back in Minnesota! :) I missed you so much! I'm glad you had a safe trip back to Minnesota . I hope you are well.

    Your Friend,
    Kashie Kong

  20. i miss u!!!soo muchh!!!!its almst the last da of school!!!!2 more days until school is over!!i'll never stop writing in here!!!!i miss u soo much!!!!!!!

    lovee me!,

    paud s. yang ;))))

  21. I cant wait to see u again next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BY Torshia

  22. Thank you for the t-shirts Ms. Lucas!!! :) :)

    Your friend,
    Kashie Kong
