Monday, April 25, 2011

Surgery Tuesday

Hi All,

O.K... I'm checking in at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. New York time, which is 5:30 a.m. St. Paul time. Most of you will be sound asleep! My mom, Jo Ann, will get on the blog and post an update when she has one (I'm teaching her how to do this tonight - it will be her first blogging experience!).

Guggenheim Pavilion,
Mt. Sinai Hospital
Here is a picture of the Guggenheim Pavilion at the Mt. Sinai Hospital where I will be. It's beautiful and airy and full of light - and it was designed by an architect (that's a person who designs buildings) named I.M. Pei. Mr. Pei is originally from the country of China, but he has lived in the U.S. for most of his life. I interviewed him after he designed a building at Indiana University where I went to college about 30 years ago. I was working for the school newspaper. Isn't that cool!!

Not exactly sure when the surgery will start, but the whole thing will take about 6 hours. Thank you for all your comments on the blog, thoughtful notes, little bracelets, and mostly your good thoughts!

All the best - talk to you soon!

Ms. Lucas (Sandy :-)


  1. Dear Sandy,
    Not sure if our original SMBTKD words and thoughts, and feelings of super-power, and positivity
    were transmitted to you on-line, because I have trouble with such things.But be it on-line,off-line
    every which way but loose line, know that the all of
    our love is coming your way in every kind of wave.It is a magnificent day, and you and your wonderful doctors will be just awesome

  2. Sandy,
    I posted my comment on a previous day's post (because I am somewhat blog challenged) so in case you don't reread them, l'll post it here, too. I've been thinking of you these last few days a lot and wondering how it has felt to you to be approaching today. I'm sending you warm, loving energy and hope that you're resting comfortably and peacefully as I write this. I'll look forward to reading your mom's post to find out how your surgery went. Take care,

  3. Been thinking about you all day and sending lots of positive energy your way. Hope all went well - you're probably in the recovery room right now.

    Looking forward to seeing you this weekend.

  4. we miss u so much.hope u get better. :) by:gaoshouaka xiong :)

  5. we miss you mrs vaneda
