Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lots of Comments Already!

Wow, I've already gotten lots of nice comments on my little blog and several cards! I feel so loved and encouraged!

The kids are doing GREAT on their MCAs. They just finished the first day of reading. They were really concentrating, taking their time, using the strategies we worked on. Very impressive.

Surgery is two weeks from today. You know, I've known about this surgery since last September or October. Not all the details, but that I would have to have it this spring sometime. Now I'm just kind of ready to be done with it. It's a mix of things, actually - a little nervous and trying to enjoy each day, and kind of ready to 'just do it,' as the ad says.

Thanks for all the nice messages!

More soon -

Ms. Lucas (Sandy :-)


  1. Positive mind does wonders!

  2. I hope that you feel well after the surgery. Get better soon. Hope you can come back and visit us.

  3. Sandy,
    I've been thinking about you these past few days, wondering what it's feeling like to be getting closer to your surgery and sending you good, loving energy. As I write this I am hoping that you are resting comfortably and peacefully. I'll be looking forward to hearing how your surgery went from your mom's post. Take good care,
